Stride length - how long each stride is
Stride rate - how many strides taken
Inverse relationship - a relationship between two things where one of them becomes larger as the other becomes smaller.
Velocity - the speed of something
Centre of mass - the point at which the mass of something is concentrated
Ground contact time - the time between initial foot contact and toe-off for the same foot
Ground reaction forces - the force exerted by the ground on a body in contact with it
There are no definitions specified in this episode 🙂
Athlete screening - assessing an athlete to identify any issues that could be affecting their performance
Rehabilitation - care that can help you get back, keep, or improve abilities that you once had
Incur - to be subject to or experience
Anterior - front on
Posterior - from behind
Lateral - from the side
Quadriceps - the large muscle at the front of the thigh. It is divided into 4 parts.
Gait - the way a person walks
Fibrous scar tissue - the type of tissue that grows back after injury. It is thicker in texture to the original tissue.
Plane of motion - a view of the body's motion eg. coronal (frontal) is viewed front on; sagittal (longitudinal) is from the side view
Compensatory movement patterns - a pattern of compensation is the body's attempt to make up for the lack of movement in one area by adding a new movement
Sports Rehabilitationist - Sport Rehabilitators help people suffering from pain, injury or illness involving the musculoskeletal system.
Acute - injuries happening straight away in a race or training eg. muscle pull/strain
Muscle Belly: The widest part of a muscle is called the belly.
Tendon - what attaches the muscle to the bone
Chronic injuries - long term injuries that build up over time, and are experienced over a long period of time
Fascia - a band or sheath of connective tissue investing, supporting, or binding together internal organs or parts of the body.
Achilles tendinitis - an injury of the achilles tendon from overuse
Plantar flexion - pointing the toes
Dorsiflexion - flexing the toes
Plantar fasciitis - an injury of the heel from over-flexing the foot
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner's knee) - an injury of over-stressing the knee
Shin splints - sharp pain in the shins when running, often associated with runner's knee
Prehabilitation - care that prevents new injuries occurring
Kinesio tape - elasticated sports tape that aids muscles in their function
Ergogenic aids - an aid that supports or enhances activity
Mobility - the ability to move or be moved freely and easily
Stride length - how long each stride is
Stride rate - how many strides taken
Inverse relationship - a relationship between two things where one of them becomes larger as the other becomes smaller.
Velocity - the speed of something
Centre of mass - the point at which the mass of something is concentrated
Ground contact time - the time between initial foot contact and toe-off for the same foot
Ground reaction forces - the force exerted by the ground on a body in contact with it
Base of Support- Base of support (BoS) - refers to the area beneath an object or person, and the area within the perimeter created by every point of contact that the object or person makes with the supporting surface
Strength and conditioning training - excursuses to build the strength and endurance of muscles
Physiology - the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
Anaerobic - functioning without oxygen
Aerobic - needing oxygen to function
Isokinetic Dynamometer - an isokinetic dynamometer is a device used within sports and exercise science as well as clinical testing environments that is used to evaluate joint torque. Isokinetic dynamometers are able to test the strength (torque) and power of different muscle groups.
Enzyme - a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process.
Glycogen - the substance produced and stored in the body from the breakdown of carbohydrates and glucose
Anaerobic power - how quickly ATP ( ) can be produced without oxygen (anaerobically)
Nutrition - intaking the food necessary to nourish the body
Glycolytic Energy System - an energy system in the body that breaks down glucose to provide energy
Isotonic/electrolyte drinks - a sports drink containing carbohydrates and salts to fuel and aid recovery after exercise
Anthropometric - of or relating to anthropometry, the measurement of the size and proportions of the human body
Technological - relating to or using technology
Biopsychosocial model - a model that looks at the connection between biological, psychological and socio-environmental factors
Neurotransmitters - the chemical that passes information between nerves
Cortisol - a hormone released when the body is under stress