



Scholar - a specialist in a certain field of study

Context - the circumstances in which something exists or happens, which can help explain it

Acquit - to judge someone as not guilty of a criminal charge

Verdict - the formal decision or judgement in a legal case

(Come to) fruition - to succeed and produce the results that were intended or hoped for

Lord Chief Justice - The highest-ranking law officer in England and Wales, presiding over the Court of Appeal

There are no definitions specified in this episode 🙂

Intricacies - the fine details of something

Defendant - the person accused of a crime in the court of law

Conduct - a person's manner of behaviour

Omission - something neglected, left out or not done

Abstain - to choose not to do something

(Legal) liability - to be legally responsible for something

Criminal law - the branch of law concerned with criminal offences

Duty to act - a legal or moral requirement to take a certain action

House of Lords - the second chamber of the UK Parliament that checks and challenges laws from the House of Commons

Avert - to prevent

Discrepancy - an inconsistency or disagreement of facts

Subjective - based on personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

Foresee - to be aware of beforehand or to predict

Intention - the plan or particular purpose of an action

Motive - the reason for doing something

Strict liability crimes - crimes that do not require a mens tea (being in the mental state to commit a crime) during the commission of a crime

Reckless - not caring about the dangers or consequences of your actions

Defence - the case presented by or on behalf of the person accused of a crime

Negate - to make something ineffective.

Intoxication - having your mental and/or physical state significantly affected by drugs or alcohol

Sexual assault - to engage in any sexual activity without the other person's consent.

Controversial - something that divides opinion, causing much discussion or disagreement

Insanity - referring to the state of being severely mentally ill

Archaic - outdated or old fashioned

Criminal insanity - a defence to criminal charges based on the idea that the defendant was unable to understand what they was doing, or, that they was unable to understand that what they was doing was wrong.

Psychiatric insanity - mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct their affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behaviour.

Diabetic - having a medical condition where the body is unable to regulate its blood sugars effectively

Epilepsy - a medical condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures.

Pre-menstrual syndrome - the name for the symptoms women can experience in the weeks before their period. They can include mood swings, tiredness, tummy pain, headaches and range in severity.

Execute - to put into effect or carry out

Unlawful - illegal; breaking the law

Attorney general - the chief legal officer who represents the Crown or a state in legal proceedings and gives legal advice to the government.

Foetus - a developing baby in the uterus, before it is born

Under the Queen/King's peace - during time of peace, where normal law applies

Wartime - during times of war, where some normal law may not apply eg. murder laws

Grevious bodily harm (GBH) - serious physical injury intentionally inflicted upon someone

Jury - a group of people who have been chosen to listen to the facts in a court action and decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty

Psychiatric injury - when the person has suffered a mental trauma as a result of an accident, sudden shock or a traumatic event

Charges - the formal accusation of someone of a legal offence

Manslaughter - the crime of killing a human being without malice, or in circumstances not amounting to murder.

Court of appeal - a court which deals with appeals against legal judgments.

Diminished responsibility - an unbalanced mental state considered to make a person less answerable to a crime and that gives grounds for a reduced charge

Insurgent - a person fighting against a government or invading force; a rebel or revolutionary.

The Geneva Convention - a set of international agreements that establish international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in war.

Premeditation - Planning something beforehand

Malice - the desire to harm someone

Scholar - a specialist in a certain field of study

Context - the circumstances in which something exists or happens, which can help explain it

Acquit - to judge someone as not guilty of a criminal charge

Verdict - the formal decision or judgement in a legal case

(Come to) fruition - to succeed and produce the results that were intended or hoped for

Lord Chief Justice - The highest-ranking law officer in England and Wales, presiding over the Court of Appeal

Trial separation - an agreement between a married couple to spend time away from each other

Goad - to provoke or annoy someone to cause a reaction

Belittled - to dismiss an action/person or make it/seem unimportant

Asfixiure - suffocation

Culpable - responsbile or deserving blame for something

Sexual infidelity - having a sexual relationship outside of a marriage or established relationship

Expressly prohibited - when it is explicitly stated that something is not allowed

Rape - an act of sexual intercourse without the other person's consent

Upskirting - taking sexually intrusive photographs beneath a person's clothing without their consent, usually up someone's skirt

Voyeurism - the activity of getting pleasure from secretly watching other people in sexual situations

Misogyny - feelings of hating women, or the belief that men are much better than women

Gravely - seriously or alarmingly

Quashed - to be rejected as invalid

Retrial - a second or further trial on the same issues and with the same parties

Hypothetical scenario - a possible situation

Ill will - unfriendly or hostile feelings toward someone

Gun magazine - where bullets are stored in a gun

Savage - fierce, violent or brutal

Feminism - the belief in equal rights of the sexes

Toxic masculinity - a set of attitudes and ways of behaving stereotypically associated with or expected of men, regarded as having a negative impact on men and on society as a whole

Enacted - made into law

Philosopical - relating to the study of basic ideas about knowledge, right and wrong, reasoning, and the value of things.

Sociological - relating to the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.

Psychological - relating to the mental or emotional state of a person

Transferable skills - skills that can be used across different situations