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We are here to help you find your place at university. Get started by browsing events and institutions with course availability below. You can also read through our clearing wellbeing section and download valuable resources that will guide you through the clearing process.
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A free and confidential service available to anyone under 19 years of age. You can talk about any issues you have to one of their trained counsellors at any time.

Most unis will have their own student support Nightline which you can call anytime you're feeling low. It's confidential, non-judgemental and anonymous.

If you feel like you're struggling, Samaritans are here to help you. You can contact them by phone, post, email, in person or through their self-help app.

If you're at risk of self-harm or feeling anxious, you can telephone Lifeline. The helpline is confidential, free and open 24 hours every day. If you're concerned about a friend or family member, you can also contact Lifeline for advice.

Got a medical question that probably maybe isn't serious? But also might be? Call 111 and find out exactly what medical assistance you need.

Use this number for EMERGENCIES ONLY! This one isn't for the sniffles or anything considered minor. Emergency services are a precious resource - we must respect that!

For those little ailments that don't require a doctor. Got the sniffles, an eye infection, or something equally minor? Pop down to your local pharmacy where a pharmacist can help.

Uni GP
Register with your on-site GP to get the advice and medication you need anytime you're poorly.

Student union
Your student union is the go to place for any issues you might be having with your course. University departments can be confusing so the student union is a great place to start to point you in the right direction.

Course Advisor/Tutor
Reach out to your Course Advisor/Tutor if you're not happy with your course or selected modules - they might be able to help you fall in love with your subject again or help you switch to something that suits you better.

Mentor/buddy scheme
Most universities will have some type of buddy scheme where students will be partnered with students a little further along in their university journey, they'll be able help with uni work and other aspects of your university journey.

Disability learning support
NEVER be afraid to seek support if you think you might need it, disability learning support is all about ensuring you everyone has equal opportunity to succeed. If you're struggling, get in touch with your university's learning support services to see how they could help.

Money stress is the worst stress! But don't let debt keep you down. Services like StepChange can help you manage your debt (for free) and reduce your stress!

Providing information, guidance and advice to anyone with money worries or anyone who wants to get informed on great money management!

University / College hardship funds
Most universities will have special funds reserved for any students facing financial hardship. Get in touch with the finance department at your uni as soon as you feel like you might need financial help.

The Money Advice Trust is a national charity, helping people across the UK to tackle their debts and manage their money with confidence.

National Debtline offers free, independent and confidential advice on personal debt over the phone and online via webchat.

Specialist support for anyone experiencing domestic abuse. Offering the tools and support survivors need to start rebuilding their life.

Offers free, confidential advice for anyone concerned about drug misuse. They also provide advice and information for families, friends, carers.

Helpline and support for drug users, their families and friends. Advice on drug-related subjects including health, welfare and legal issues. Release can also make referrals to specialist lawyers and local drug services.

SH:24 is a free online sexual health service, delivered in partnership with the NHS. SH:24 makes it easier for people to get tested for the four most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They provide free test kits, information and advice - 24 hours a day. It is quick, discreet and completely confidential.
You researched your degree and have gained your place at university, you might be thinking that you can sit back and relax, but it's never too soon to start planning for your future career.
One of the reasons why you picked your course might have been because of their fantastic graduate employability prospects. So you've got your theory covered but how can you get those all-important practical employability skills?
Depending on what subject your taking and what career you want to get into there are loads of work experience opportunities out there, whether it's an internship, graduate scheme or course.
We've got a bunch of online programmes available in loads of different industries and sectors. In each programme, you’ll take part in industry activities and quizzes, and get to question the experts and professionals in live webinars.
Explore programmes →We've also got heaps resources on the next tab to help you reach out to employers you like the look of!
So what are you waiting for? Get started today!
Clearing options
Your student union is the go to place for any issues you might be having with your course. University departments can be confusing so the student union is a great place to start to point you in the right direction.
Download coming soonClearing phone call checklist
Does speaking on the phone fill you with dread? Use our handy checklist to get you through it without any bother. What to say, what to ask, what to do.
Download coming soonMental Health
A free and confidential service available to anyone under 19 years of age. You can talk about any issues you have to one of their trained counsellors at any time.
Most unis will have their own student support Nightline which you can call anytime you're feeling low. It's confidential, non-judgemental and anonymous.
If you feel like you're struggling, Samaritans are here to help you. You can contact them by phone, post, email, in person or through their self-help app.
If you're at risk of self-harm or feeling anxious, you can telephone Lifeline. The helpline is confidential, free and open 24 hours every day. If you're concerned about a friend or family member, you can also contact Lifeline for advice.
Got a medical question that probably maybe isn't serious? But also might be? Call 111 and find out exactly what medical assistance you need.
Use this number for EMERGENCIES ONLY! This one isn't for the sniffles or anything considered minor. Emergency services are a precious resource - we must respect that!
For those little ailments that don't require a doctor. Got the sniffles, an eye infection, or something equally minor? Pop down to your local pharmacy where a pharmacist can help.
Uni GP
Register with your on-site GP to get the advice and medication you need anytime you're poorly.
Uni work
Student union
Your student union is the go to place for any issues you might be having with your course. University departments can be confusing so the student union is a great place to start to point you in the right direction.
Course Advisor/Tutor
Reach out to your Course Advisor/Tutor if you're not happy with your course or selected modules - they might be able to help you fall in love with your subject again or help you switch to something that suits you better.
Mentor/buddy scheme
Most universities will have some type of buddy scheme where students will be partnered with students a little further along in their university journey, they'll be able help with uni work and other aspects of your university journey.
Disability learning support
NEVER be afraid to seek support if you think you might need it, disability learning support is all about ensuring you everyone has equal opportunity to succeed. If you're struggling, get in touch with your university's learning support services to see how they could help.
Money stress is the worst stress! But don't let debt keep you down. Services like StepChange can help you manage your debt (for free) and reduce your stress!
Providing information, guidance and advice to anyone with money worries or anyone who wants to get informed on great money management!
University / College hardship funds
Most universities will have special funds reserved for any students facing financial hardship. Get in touch with the finance department at your uni as soon as you feel like you might need financial help.
The Money Advice Trust is a national charity, helping people across the UK to tackle their debts and manage their money with confidence.
National Debtline offers free, independent and confidential advice on personal debt over the phone and online via webchat.
Specialist support for anyone experiencing domestic abuse. Offering the tools and support survivors need to start rebuilding their life.
Offers free, confidential advice for anyone concerned about drug misuse. They also provide advice and information for families, friends, carers.
Helpline and support for drug users, their families and friends. Advice on drug-related subjects including health, welfare and legal issues. Release can also make referrals to specialist lawyers and local drug services.
SH:24 is a free online sexual health service, delivered in partnership with the NHS. SH:24 makes it easier for people to get tested for the four most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They provide free test kits, information and advice - 24 hours a day. It is quick, discreet and completely confidential.
You researched your degree and have gained your place at university, you might be thinking that you can sit back and relax, but it's never too soon to start planning for your future career.
One of the reasons why you picked your course might have been because of their fantastic graduate employability prospects. So you've got your theory covered but how can you get those all-important practical employability skills?
Depending on what subject your taking and what career you want to get into there are loads of work experience opportunities out there, whether it's an internship, graduate scheme or course.
We've got a bunch of online programmes available in loads of different industries and sectors. In each programme, you’ll take part in industry activities and quizzes, and get to question the experts and professionals in live webinars.
We've also got heaps resources on the next tab to help you reach out to employers you like the look of!
So what are you waiting for? Get started today!
Clearing options
Your student union is the go to place for any issues you might be having with your course. University departments can be confusing so the student union is a great place to start to point you in the right direction.
Download coming soonClearing phone call checklist
Does speaking on the phone fill you with dread? Use our handy checklist to get you through it without any bother. What to say, what to ask, what to do.
Download coming soon