



4. Activity - using the environment to solve a murder mystery

In this episode, Jennifer introduces the concept of forensic palynology, and discusses why it is used in criminal investigation. She also introduces a fascinating, thought-provoking activity in which you will use the knowledge you have acquired throughout this Subject Spotlight to determine who, out of four presented suspects, has committed a murder. Finally, Jennifer will give an overview of typical and atypical careers as a result of studying Geography and/or Environmental Science at degree level.

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4. Activity - using the environment to solve a murder mystery

In this episode, Jennifer introduces the concept of forensic palynology, and discusses why it is used in criminal investigation. She also introduces a fascinating, thought-provoking activity in which you will use the knowledge you have acquired throughout this Subject Spotlight to determine who, out of four presented suspects, has committed a murder. Finally, Jennifer will give an overview of typical and atypical careers as a result of studying Geography and/or Environmental Science at degree level.

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